Gatherings (Services):
We meet at the Olean Mediation Center, 2275 Dugan Road, Olean, NY.
Please note there is an area to remove your shoes when you first enter the building.
On the first and third Sunday from September through June, we gather at 11:00 AM (service) and have social time after.
We start on the third Sunday of September to avoid Labor Day weekend.
During the summer, we have picnics, usually on the third Sunday in July and August.
2016- 2017
September 18 - Water Ceremony - led by Rosanna Bonfilio
October 2 - Music Gathering led by Linda Ford
October 16 - led by Anna Bush with speaker Katie Ward: New Beginnings: The Landscape of Modern Breastfeeding
November 6 - led by Sadie Jay-Edwards with speaker Rob Mrowka: The Race Against Extinction
November 20 - Brokeness led by B. Herbert Weed
December 4 - Chalica! - led by Corinne Potter
December 18 - Organizing for Community Meal and Conversation on Equity and Compassion
January 1 - Organizing for Community Meal and Conversation on Equity and Compassion
(event will be Saturday, January 14 at noon at Bethany Lutheran Church in Olean)
January 15 - Fun and Games led by Anna Bush
February 5 - Charter for Compassion led by Rosanna Bonfilio
February 19 - Mindful Eating led by Anna Bush
March 5 - Build Your Own Theology led by Linda Ford
March 19 - Women to Know: Each member is invited to present 3-5 minutes on a favorite woman in history - Led by Rosanna Bonfilio
April 2 - Building Your Own Theology Session 1 - led by Anna Bush
April 16 - Sock it to me! Wear your favorites socks to show off and we'll have a sock-hop-bunny-hop! Led by Willa Jay-Edwards
May 7 - Planning: Celebrating Women's Achievements led by Anna Bush
May 21 - Building Your Own Theology Session 1, Part 2 - led by Anna Bush
June 4 - A Dr. Who UU - led by Sadie Jay-Edwards
June 18 - Flower Ceremony - Led by Corinne Potter
We meet at the Olean Mediation Center, 2275 Dugan Road, Olean, NY.
Please note there is an area to remove your shoes when you first enter the building.
On the first and third Sunday from September through June, we gather at 11:00 AM (service) and have social time after.
We start on the third Sunday of September to avoid Labor Day weekend.
During the summer, we have picnics, usually on the third Sunday in July and August.
2016- 2017
September 18 - Water Ceremony - led by Rosanna Bonfilio
October 2 - Music Gathering led by Linda Ford
October 16 - led by Anna Bush with speaker Katie Ward: New Beginnings: The Landscape of Modern Breastfeeding
November 6 - led by Sadie Jay-Edwards with speaker Rob Mrowka: The Race Against Extinction
November 20 - Brokeness led by B. Herbert Weed
December 4 - Chalica! - led by Corinne Potter
December 18 - Organizing for Community Meal and Conversation on Equity and Compassion
January 1 - Organizing for Community Meal and Conversation on Equity and Compassion
(event will be Saturday, January 14 at noon at Bethany Lutheran Church in Olean)
January 15 - Fun and Games led by Anna Bush
February 5 - Charter for Compassion led by Rosanna Bonfilio
February 19 - Mindful Eating led by Anna Bush
March 5 - Build Your Own Theology led by Linda Ford
March 19 - Women to Know: Each member is invited to present 3-5 minutes on a favorite woman in history - Led by Rosanna Bonfilio
April 2 - Building Your Own Theology Session 1 - led by Anna Bush
April 16 - Sock it to me! Wear your favorites socks to show off and we'll have a sock-hop-bunny-hop! Led by Willa Jay-Edwards
May 7 - Planning: Celebrating Women's Achievements led by Anna Bush
May 21 - Building Your Own Theology Session 1, Part 2 - led by Anna Bush
June 4 - A Dr. Who UU - led by Sadie Jay-Edwards
June 18 - Flower Ceremony - Led by Corinne Potter